Air Source Heat Pumps in Hampshire

Expert Air Source Heat Pump Installers in Hampshire

Clean Heat Solutions provides expert air source heat pump installations throughout Hampshire.

Clean Heat Solutions Limited are Hampshire's renewable heating experts who are passionate about offering ecologically friendly solutions to homes. To learn more about installing an air source heat pump in your home, contact Clean Heat Solutions Limited at 07391473964.

Air source heat pumps: What Are They?

Air source heat pumps are renewable energy technologies that utilise heat taken from the outside air to warm a building's interior. These systems function by using a refrigerant fluid to collect heat from the outside air, compress it, and then release it into the home's interior air to heat it. They offer a sustainable replacement for conventional heating systems since they may function well even in colder climates.

How do air source heat pumps work?

To heat households, air source heat pumps follow a straightforward process:

  1. The heat pump's exterior unit draws heat from the outside air. 
  2. The outside unit's refrigerant fluid absorbs heat before being compressed. 
  3. Upon its discharge into the interior unit, the compressed fluid expands and heats the house. 
  4. Up till the appropriate interior temperature is obtained, the procedure is repeated.

Why Should You Opt for an Air Source Heat Pump in Hampshire? 

One of the most enticing aspects of air source heat pumps is that they shield households from price changes in energy. Because Air Source Heat pumps use the natural environment, you are no longer relying on fossil fuels to keep your home warm and toasty, and you are far less subject to the ever-increasing expenses of heating bills. An air-source heat pump is a less expensive alternative to a ground-source heat pump and is best suited for small residences or buildings.

Air source heat pumps are renewable energy systems that collect heat from the air to provide a full solution for home hot water distribution. This hot water can be delivered through underfloor heating systems or traditional radiators as needed. If your current heating system is old or expensive, an air source heat pump can save you hundreds of pounds in annual operating costs with minimal installation disturbance. 

Clean Heat Solutions' heat pump installers service all of Hampshire and are delighted to give you a range of high-quality air source heat pumps based on your requirements. Get a quote from our Gas Safe heat pump installers immediately if you need an air source heat pump installation. For a total heating system makeover, consider our heating system design services and let a trained heat geek handle your heating.

(Learn More: How Do Heat Pumps Work)

Air Source Heat Pump Installation in Hampshire

Air Source Heat Pumps FAQs

Are all types of homes suitable for air source heat pumps? 

The majority of homes can have air source heat pumps installed, however it's important to consult a professional heating engineer in Hampshire to choose the best heating system for your house.

Do air source heat pumps function in cold conditions?

Indeed, air source heat pumps may function effectively in freezing weather conditions, offering a dependable heating source all winter long.

How much does it cost to install an air source heat pump?

Depending on the system you pick and the size of your house, installation costs might vary. Nonetheless, you may anticipate decreased energy expenditures over time to help you repay your investment.

Are air source heat pumps noisy?

Generally speaking, air source heat pumps are quieter than conventional heating systems. Nevertheless, depending on the size and placement of the unit, the noise level may change. The ideal position for your outdoor unit might be suggested by your installation in order to reduce noise intrusion.

What is the lifespan of air source heat pumps? 

Air source heat pumps can last up to 20 years or more with regular maintenance. Routine maintenance, like as filter cleaning and refrigerant level checks, can help the system last longer.

Are ground source heat pumps superior to air source heat pumps? 

Ground source and air source heat pumps are both effective and environmentally beneficial heating choices. The decision between the two is influenced by a number of elements, including the location, size, and heating requirements of your home. In order to choose the system that is most appropriate for your house, it is important to speak with a professional installation.

How well do air source heat pumps work for providing hot water? 

Water for home usage may be heated using air source heat pumps. The heat pump may supply hot water for showers, baths, and other domestic uses by installing a hot water cylinder.

Why should you hire our professional heat pump installers in Hampshire? 

Clean Heat Solutions Limited is committed to offering environmentally friendly heating solutions to our customers and is an expert in air source heat pumps. Our heating professionals hold a variety of accreditations and memberships, allowing us to give you with the best air source heat pump installations possible. 

- Gas Safe Registered 
- Member of the RECC
- MCS Certified
- Heat Geek Mastery Training
- NAPIT Approved
- BPEC Certified

Our heating engineers not only have a variety of accreditations and certifications, but they also have excellent recommendations. Check out our reviews page to see what our previous customers have to say. Alternatively, if you'd like to see some of our previous renewable heating projects from Hampshire, see our gallery!

Learn more about installing an air source heat pump in Hampshire

Clean Heat Solutions Limited goes beyond simply installing air source heat pumps; we ensure that your heating system is operating at peak efficiency and create efficient heating solutions for your Hampshire house. 

To schedule an air source heat pump installation in Hampshire, contact Clean Heat Solutions Limited at 07391473964 or via our contact page.

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