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Is Solar PV Right for Your Home?

Given the growing emphasis on renewable energy solutions, many homeowners are wondering if solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are a practical alternative for their homes. In this blog, we will delve into the benefits and considerations to help make your decision.

solar pv installation

What is Solar PV?

Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems use solar panels, which are made of photovoltaic cells that absorb light and transform it into direct current (DC) electricity. An inverter is then used to transform this electricity into alternating current (AC), which is used to power household appliances and electronics. Solar PV systems are a clean, sustainable energy source that can be erected on residential buildings' rooftops or on the ground.

Considerations Before Installing Solar PV 

Before choosing to install solar PV panels in your house, you should think about the following:

Roof Orientation and Shading

The effectiveness of solar PV panels can be influenced by the orientation and angle of your roof. To optimise solar exposure, rooftops should ideally be south-facing and get as little shade as possible from nearby trees or structures.

Available Space

Determine how much room there is for solar panel installation on your roof or land. Consider criteria such as roof size, form, and structural soundness to determine the viability of installing solar PV systems.

Financial Incentives

Look into any local financial incentives or rebates that may be available for solar PV installations. Government grants, tax breaks, and feed-in tariffs are a few examples of incentives that can assist lower the initial installation costs and increase the viability of solar power.

Energy Consumption

Assess the energy usage trends of your home to choose the right solar PV system size and capacity. When sizing the system, take into account variables including daily energy consumption, peak demand, and projected future expansion.

Maintenance Requirements

Even though solar photovoltaic systems require little upkeep, regular cleaning and inspections are necessary to guarantee peak performance. Think about the expenses and duration of maintenance needed for solar PV systems.

solar pv installations

Benefits of Solar PV Installations

Renewable Energy Source

Solar energy is a clean, abundant, and renewable energy source that can replace fossil fuels without harming the environment. Solar PV systems contribute to the fight against climate change by harnessing sunshine to generate electricity.

Energy Cost Savings

By enabling homeowners to produce their electricity, solar photovoltaic systems help them become less dependent on the grid and eventually save money on energy costs. Solar energy presents a financially viable option for long-term energy savings in light of the escalating cost of energy.

Energy Independence

You can have more control over your energy source and be less vulnerable to changes in utility prices and power disruptions if you generate your electricity. Installing solar PV systems offers a dependable energy source even in the event of grid outages.

Increased Property Value

In the real estate market, homes with solar PV installations usually fetch greater prices and sell more quickly. Solar panels are seen as excellent additions that improve residential properties' marketability and appeal.

Environmental Benefits

A clean and sustainable energy source, solar energy lessens pollution of the air and water, preserves natural resources, and lessens dependency on fossil fuels. Purchasing solar PV systems is a sign of one's dedication to sustainability and environmental care.

Contact Us for Solar PV Installations!

Are you prepared to learn more about the advantages of solar PV systems for your house? 

For skilled solar PV installation services, get in touch with Clean Heat Solutions right now. For more information get in touch by calling us on 07391473964 or via email at Our professional and fully qualified heating engineers are available throughout West Sussex, Hampshire, Portsmouth, and Southampton.