Underfloor Heating Hampshire

Clean Heat Solutions is a leading contractor of underfloor heating in Hampshire

If you’re interested in finding out more about underfloor heating and the benefits that it can provide you with, as well as the various types of underfloor heating systems available, check out the post below. 

Looking for experienced Heating engineers in Hampshire? Contact Clean Heat Solutions at 07391473964 or send an email to info@cleanheatingsolutions.co.uk.  Our certified engineers will be happy ot provide you with the best underfloor heating services in Hampshire.

What is Underfloor Heating?

Underfloor heating is a system where heat is distributed evenly through the floor of a room. This type of heating is very efficient because it eliminates the need for radiators or other types of heating units that can take up valuable space in a room. 

Our heating engineers in Hampshire can provide underfloor heating services for many different types of flooring, including carpet, tile, and wood.

Benefits of using our Underfloor Heating services

Our underfloor heating has several advantages over other types of heating, including:

Increased comfort: Underfloor heating provides a gentle, evenly distributed heat that is comfortable to walk on. This is in contrast to traditional radiators, which can create hot spots and drafts.

Energy efficiency: Underfloor heating is one of the most efficient ways to heat your home, as it doesn’t require as much energy to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Space-saving: Underfloor heating doesn’t take up any valuable floor space as radiators do. This is especially beneficial in small homes or rooms with limited space.

Improved air quality: By circulating warm air around the room, underfloor heating can help to improve air quality and reduce dust and allergens in the air.

Types of Underfloor Heating Systems

Wet Underfloor Heating Systems

Wet systems use a network of pipes to circulate hot water from a boiler or heat pump through the floor. These systems are typically more expensive to install than dry systems, but they are also more efficient and have a longer lifespan.

Dry Underfloor Heating Systems

Dry systems use electric mats or cables to generate heat, which is then circulated through the floor by convection. These systems are less expensive to install than wet systems, but they are also less efficient and have a shorter lifespan.

Speak to our heating engineers in Hampshire

Our Heating Engineers in Hampshire provide excellent underfloor heating services. Just call Clean Heat Solutions at 07391473964 or send us an email at info@cleanheatingsolutions.co.uk

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