
Check out our Blog for all the latest Clean Heating News!

Myths About Solar

Myths About Solar

Discover the truth behind common solar energy myths, especially tailored for residents of West Sussex and Hampshire. From efficiency concerns to installation costs, we debunk misconceptions to help you make an informed decision about solar power.

Benefits of Low-temperature Heating Systems

Benefits of Low-temperature Heating Systems

All household heating systems are moving towards low-temperature heating systems. It's necessary if we want to put in additional heat pumps, but it also has a lot of advantages for installing gas boilers and opens the door for alternative cleaner sources.

Heat Pump Myths: Debunked

Heat Pump Myths: Debunked

In this blog, we examined the top ten heat pump myths, analysed them, and thoroughly debunked them. If you were duped by any of these myths but are now interested in having a heat pump installed, call our expert MCS-certified heat pump installers today.